Interaction Design Studio II
Mobile Service Design for Pelican
Mobile Service Design for Pelican
Mobile Service Design for Pelican
Smartphones have placed a sensor-rich and intelligent computer—specifically “smartphones” in the pockets of around 6.6 billion people worldwide, 80% of the population of the globe. People have intensely personal relationships with their mobile devices—and many of us feel lost without them: the average American checks their phone 63 times a day. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have come to depend on their mobile devices even more intensely. Smartphones put a great many things in the hands of the people who use them: a sense of community; delight; connections to critical government services; personal banking; shopping; and healthcare management. The smartphone is often central to facilitating value exchanges between 2 or more stakeholders.
As an assignment for Interaction Design Studio II, we hypothesized how we might create value through a mobile service. This assignment challenged our knowledge about the native mobile capabilities of smartphones such as near field communication (NFC), sensing and emerging technologies such as augmented reality, predictive analytics or a sound-based activity recognition system.
Smartphones have placed a sensor-rich and intelligent computer—specifically “smartphones” in the pockets of around 6.6 billion people worldwide, 80% of the population of the globe. People have intensely personal relationships with their mobile devices—and many of us feel lost without them: the average American checks their phone 63 times a day. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have come to depend on their mobile devices even more intensely. Smartphones put a great many things in the hands of the people who use them: a sense of community; delight; connections to critical government services; personal banking; shopping; and healthcare management. The smartphone is often central to facilitating value exchanges between 2 or more stakeholders.
As an assignment for Interaction Design Studio II, we hypothesized how we might create value through a mobile service. This assignment challenged our knowledge about the native mobile capabilities of smartphones such as near field communication (NFC), sensing and emerging technologies such as augmented reality, predictive analytics or a sound-based activity recognition system.
Smartphones have placed a sensor-rich and intelligent computer—specifically “smartphones” in the pockets of around 6.6 billion people worldwide, 80% of the population of the globe. People have intensely personal relationships with their mobile devices—and many of us feel lost without them: the average American checks their phone 63 times a day. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have come to depend on their mobile devices even more intensely. Smartphones put a great many things in the hands of the people who use them: a sense of community; delight; connections to critical government services; personal banking; shopping; and healthcare management. The smartphone is often central to facilitating value exchanges between 2 or more stakeholders.
As an assignment for Interaction Design Studio II, we hypothesized how we might create value through a mobile service. This assignment challenged our knowledge about the native mobile capabilities of smartphones such as near field communication (NFC), sensing and emerging technologies such as augmented reality, predictive analytics or a sound-based activity recognition system.
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
UX Designer
UX Designer
UX Designer
Pelican Sport
Pelican Sport
Pelican Sport
Kathryn Minor
Kristy Wang
Sonia Wu
Kathryn Minor
Kristy Wang
Sonia Wu
Kathryn Minor
Kristy Wang
Sonia Wu
Why are we designing a mobile service for Pelican Sports? Through some preliminary research and initial interviews with kayakers to gain general knowledge about kayaking experiences and needs, we noticed that Pelican’s customers were very distant. Thus, we were most curious about how the gap between collaborators, kayakers, and Pelican Water Sports could be bridged.
Why are we designing a mobile service for Pelican Sports? Through some preliminary research and initial interviews with kayakers to gain general knowledge about kayaking experiences and needs, we noticed that Pelican’s customers were very distant. Thus, we were most curious about how the gap between collaborators, kayakers, and Pelican Water Sports could be bridged.
Why are we designing a mobile service for Pelican Sports? Through some preliminary research and initial interviews with kayakers to gain general knowledge about kayaking experiences and needs, we noticed that Pelican’s customers were very distant. Thus, we were most curious about how the gap between collaborators, kayakers, and Pelican Water Sports could be bridged.
Problem Framing
Problem Framing
Problem Framing
If Pelican can provide two-fold care to kayakers by providing adventure and to partners through the opportunity to donate, then Pelican can gain greater insight on what customers care about and improve their business decisions.
If Pelican can provide two-fold care to kayakers by providing adventure and to partners through the opportunity to donate, then Pelican can gain greater insight on what customers care about and improve their business decisions.
If Pelican can provide two-fold care to kayakers by providing adventure and to partners through the opportunity to donate, then Pelican can gain greater insight on what customers care about and improve their business decisions.
The Designed Solution
The Designed Solution
The Designed Solution
Start Screen Animation
Start Screen Animation
Start Screen Animation
River Map
River Map
River Map
Weekly Adventure
Weekly Adventure
Weekly Adventure
Completion Rewards
Completion Rewards
Completion Rewards
Sharing Map
Sharing Map
Sharing Map
Map Animation Draft
Map Animation Draft
Map Animation Draft
Congratulations Page Draft
Congratulations Page Draft
Congratulations Page Draft
Uncovering User Needs
Uncovering User Needs
Uncovering User Needs
We examined 5 different visitor personas of the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium to uncover their needs. By modeling their goals, priorities, and constraints, we hoped to find a way to satisfy these needs with the recently donated LED displays. We are hoping that these initial findings will help inform our designs as the Data-Driven Display project team.
We examined 5 different visitor personas of the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium to uncover their needs. By modeling their goals, priorities, and constraints, we hoped to find a way to satisfy these needs with the recently donated LED displays. We are hoping that these initial findings will help inform our designs as the Data-Driven Display project team.
We examined 5 different visitor personas of the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium to uncover their needs. By modeling their goals, priorities, and constraints, we hoped to find a way to satisfy these needs with the recently donated LED displays. We are hoping that these initial findings will help inform our designs as the Data-Driven Display project team.
We ultimately wanted to answer this essential question: Why do you visit the zoo?
This was an important question we wanted to ask, as it was essential in narrowing down on what information was relevant for visitors and determining what was the most effective mode of delivery.
We ultimately wanted to answer this essential question: Why do you visit the zoo?
This was an important question we wanted to ask, as it was essential in narrowing down on what information was relevant for visitors and determining what was the most effective mode of delivery.
We ultimately wanted to answer this essential question: Why do you visit the zoo?
This was an important question we wanted to ask, as it was essential in narrowing down on what information was relevant for visitors and determining what was the most effective mode of delivery.
Looking at the models for the 5 personas, we decided to focus on the elderly man persona and his interest in transportation as well as
engagement with the shows and community.
Looking at the models for the 5 personas, we decided to focus on the elderly man persona and his interest in transportation as well as
engagement with the shows and community.
Looking at the models for the 5 personas, we decided to focus on the elderly man persona and his interest in transportation as well as
engagement with the shows and community.
Each of us drew a safe, mid, and out there storyboard of a solution that targeted care, response, and access. The example above was one of the first iterations of what we thought Pelipoints could do. We continued to refine this idea throughout.
Each of us drew a safe, mid, and out there storyboard of a solution that targeted care, response, and access. The example above was one of the first iterations of what we thought Pelipoints could do. We continued to refine this idea throughout.
Each of us drew a safe, mid, and out there storyboard of a solution that targeted care, response, and access. The example above was one of the first iterations of what we thought Pelipoints could do. We continued to refine this idea throughout.
Low-Fidelity Sketches
Low-Fidelity Sketches
Low-Fidelity Sketches
Each of our team members sketched 2 - 4 wireframes of the dashboard, to quickly explore a wide range of ideas. With the focus of catering needs of the elderly man, we began by sketching out as many options for the screen design.
Each of our team members sketched 2 - 4 wireframes of the dashboard, to quickly explore a wide range of ideas. With the focus of catering needs of the elderly man, we began by sketching out as many options for the screen design.
Each of our team members sketched 2 - 4 wireframes of the dashboard, to quickly explore a wide range of ideas. With the focus of catering needs of the elderly man, we began by sketching out as many options for the screen design.
Thoughts + Reflection
Thoughts + Reflection
Thoughts + Reflection
Unique Experience
Unique Experience
Unique Experience
The work I did with my team for this project was definitely a unique experience. In my previous years I have taken studio style courses that were more architecture focused, so I spent the majority of my time working closely with other architecture students. But in Interaction Design Studio II, I was given the opportunity to work with students from diverse backgrounds which lead to innovative ideas and unique perspectives.
The work I did with my team for this project was definitely a unique experience. In my previous years I have taken studio style courses that were more architecture focused, so I spent the majority of my time working closely with other architecture students. But in Interaction Design Studio II, I was given the opportunity to work with students from diverse backgrounds which lead to innovative ideas and unique perspectives.
The work I did with my team for this project was definitely a unique experience. In my previous years I have taken studio style courses that were more architecture focused, so I spent the majority of my time working closely with other architecture students. But in Interaction Design Studio II, I was given the opportunity to work with students from diverse backgrounds which lead to innovative ideas and unique perspectives.
And as discussed with my team, we found the critiques to be very helpful and informative. Critique is a form of discussion I am intimately familiar with as it is a large part of studio culture in architecture. There are perspectives that you, the designer, cannot realize until other designers or users tell you.
And as discussed with my team, we found the critiques to be very helpful and informative. Critique is a form of discussion I am intimately familiar with as it is a large part of studio culture in architecture. There are perspectives that you, the designer, cannot realize until other designers or users tell you.
And as discussed with my team, we found the critiques to be very helpful and informative. Critique is a form of discussion I am intimately familiar with as it is a large part of studio culture in architecture. There are perspectives that you, the designer, cannot realize until other designers or users tell you.
Collaboration is Critical
Collaboration is Critical
Collaboration is Critical
Working through the project, I really enjoyed our parallel prototyping sessions. Part of what made architecture or rather design in general a passion of mine is the chance to collaborate with like minded people to create something amazing. I did notice in the beginning we encountered many obstacles, but through proper coordination we were able to overcome these obstacles and realize our goals.
Working through the project, I really enjoyed our parallel prototyping sessions. Part of what made architecture or rather design in general a passion of mine is the chance to collaborate with like minded people to create something amazing. I did notice in the beginning we encountered many obstacles, but through proper coordination we were able to overcome these obstacles and realize our goals.
Working through the project, I really enjoyed our parallel prototyping sessions. Part of what made architecture or rather design in general a passion of mine is the chance to collaborate with like minded people to create something amazing. I did notice in the beginning we encountered many obstacles, but through proper coordination we were able to overcome these obstacles and realize our goals.